Wednesday 1 November 2017

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is free and most widely used web analytics resource provided by Google that tracks and reports web page traffic.It is about how visitors sees your web page. It was launched in 2005. It furnish statistics for SEO and marketing purposes. The service is handy to anyone having a Google account.
Google Analytics


Characteristics of Google Analytics: 

    Google Analytics definition
  • How visitors see your web page.
  • Get Real time analytics report.
  • Give data about web traffic.
  • Detail data about content.
  • Detail data about keywords.
  • Highlights the conversion rate.
  • Show new visitors and returning visitor.
  • Information about the visitors age, mobile, connection, location.
  • Gets reports of a web page since the tracking was installed.
  • Know what people are doing.
  • Can track the nature of visit (natural, organic etc).




How to Operate Google Analytics in a blog?

  1. Sign up to Google analytics using google account.
    Google Analytics Home
  2. Select "Admin" from the dashboard.
  3. Click on tracking code from tracking info under the property section.
    Tracking Code
  4. Copy the script code.
    Copy tracking UA code
  5. Go to
  6. Select "Theme" from the dashboard and click on "Edit HTML" .
    Edit html blogger
  7. Paste the code before closing the head section (</head>) .
  8. Save Theme.

To know the difference between google search console and google analytics, go to my blog "Webmaster Tools vs Google Analytics"

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How Google Webmaster Tools Crawl and Index a Blog

Google Webmaster Tools

Google webmaster tools

Google webmaster tools are the tools used by webmasters to control and optimize web pages. It give permission to Google for crawling, caching and indexing web pages.It allows webmasters  to examine indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. Now it is relabel as Google search console. It is known as mock point because, it is the area where google communicate with webmasters if any crawling errors occur, keyword stuffing, link based err malware detects, parked domains etc.


How to add a web page for crawling process:

  1. Login into search console using google account. 
  2. Click "Add a property" shown in home page of search console and add our home page URL and click add.
    Add a property for a web page
  3. In the dashboard there is option "Crawl" and click on "Fetch as Google"
    Fetch as google
  4. Add page URL and click on "Fetch" shown in wizard.
  5. Click on "Request indexing" and a window will pop up.
    request indexing
  6. After verifying that we are not robot and select "Crawl only this URL" and click GO.
    Crawl Url
  7. Do the same process for crawling other pages in the same domain. But select the second option "Crawl this URL and its direct links" before clicking GO.