Friday 27 October 2017

On-Page Optimization Techniques

On-Page Optimization Techniques

On-Page optimization is the main part of SEO which is taking place within the web pages in order to enhance its rank in search results. This is for assuring your web page titles, contents and the total frame of the web page are optimized for your focusing keyword.  
On Page optimization

There are 2 portions in a web page.

1. Head:  It is the initial part of a web page. It contains title, meta tags, description etc
2. Body: This portion may contain contents, H1 to H6, internal links, images, videos etc.



1. Title

Title is the most important factor of a web page.  When we set a title, we should concentrate on the following things: 
  • Title should be impressive. It improves CTR (click through rate).
  • User must get an attention.
  • Don't use uppercase characters for complete title.
  • Use uppercase for first letter of each words of title.
  • Should be focus on keyword.No spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Pixel width should be within 512 pixels.
  • Normally 55-60 character, maximum up to 70.
  • Do not give same title for more than one web page. Keyword Cannibalism will affect if give same title for more than one page.
  • Minimum 3 words.


2. Meta Description

It is an abstract of contents in your web page which appears to the bottom of title. The following factors should be noticed when you set meta description:
  • Do not copy from other web pages.
  • Character length for a page’s meta description: 155-160 characters.
  • Character length for a post’s meta description: within 155 characters.
  • Maximum Pixel width: 1024 pixels.
  • Should be relevant to the web page
  • If meta description is not given or not relevant, Google takes content from web page as meta description.
  • To improve CTR, We can add marketing strategies(offers, discounts etc) in meta description.
  • No grammatical or spelling mistakes. 




1. Header Tags

Header Tag
This tags be the emphasized text on the web page or the title of the page. It will mostly be the largest text that projected. There are some header tags: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. Google choose <H1> tag as title, if there is no title in web page. Header tags will attract more users. There should be only one H1 and H2 in a web page. Use the focusing keyword as H1 is one of the optimization technique.


2. Internal Links

Internal link is used to set a link between two web pages in the same domain. It is a type of hyper link. We can set links on text, images etc. It is useful to hold users in our website more time


3. Image Optimization

Adding images in web page is a good method to increase user flow to the web page. When you save the image, use the focusing keyword as image name. Using "JPEG" format image is best for crawling. Alt tags is also used for image description.


To know about SEO and its evolution, You can go to my last blog "Evolution Of SEO"


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